Discovering Membership

Discovering Membership – Tues. Jan. 21 7:00pm RNCC is good ground and we would like for you to be the newest member of our family! If you’d like to learn more about us or become a member of RNCC, join the Discovering Membership class on Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 7pm. This virtual session will equip you with the information you need to be a part of Raleigh North Christian Center.

BOW Mime Volunteers Needed

JOIN THE TEAM! The BOW Mime Team is looking for fresh faces, and we think you might be perfect! Are you 12 or older? Do you love dancing, expressing yourself, or being creative? If that’s a yes, then this might be the team for you! And don’t worry if you’ve ever mimed before. We’ll teach you everything you need to know! ALL SKILL LEVELS WELCOME!  

Medical Response Volunteers Needed

JOIN THE TEAM! The RNCC Medical Response team is looking for EXPERIENCED volunteers with a healthcare/medical background to join our team.