Welcome to RNCC Kids
Our goal is for your kids to have a genuine relationship with God, build a Biblical foundation for their lives, grow with friends and leaders, and love being at church. As we partner together, may they shine the light wherever they go.

Equip & Empower
Equip and empower parents to lead their families spiritually.

Introduce Jesus Christ
Introduce children to the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Develop Leaders
We purposefully plan our time to develop influential leadership skills in our children.

RNCC Kids has reopened for in person worship!

& Wednesdays at 7pm
Not ready to join us in person yet?
Enjoy RNCC Kids at Home.
Your baby will experience personal care from our well-staffed team. We keep our nursery rooms ready for your little ones with age-appropriate toys that are thoroughly cleaned between services.
We know babies have specific needs and schedules, so when you bring your baby to the classroom, we inquire about the feeding, sleeping, and changing needs your baby has. We also take time to love and pray for your baby each week. Our team even uses the Orange Curriculum with our babies.
In preschool, children start to engage more with their church experience, so we help them interact and build their faith through stories, crafts, and songs that give them Biblical truths, using the Orange curriculum. They also start to form relationships with other kids and their teachers.
Engaging in Praise and Worship: We invite God’s presence into our lives through praise and worship, and we want your children to grow up experiencing the joy and benefit of worshipping Him.
Making Friends At Their Age Level: God designed us for community, and we want your kids to build healthy relationships with other kids their age. Making friends and growing alongside their peers is an important part of their spiritual growth.
Memorizing God’s Word: God tells us to hide His Word in our hearts (Psalm 119:11). One of the most important ways we can help your children build a biblical foundation for their lives is by filling their minds and hearts with God’s truth through Scripture memorization.
Age-Specific Learning: Kids need different things at different ages, and we want to help your child understand and learn God’s Word at the right pace. Each year, they’ll grow by engaging in age-specific learning that is relevant and interesting to them. As a church we use the Orange Curriculum with each age group.
5-6 year olds will:
Memorize Bible verses
Learn about God as the Creator
Learn the Gospel message using the Orange Curriculum
Memorize The Lord’s Prayer and apply it to their personal prayers
Learn about the Armor of God
Learn about the 10 Commandments
7-8 year olds will:
Learn the Gospel message using the Orange Curriculum
Memorize Bible verses
Study the Fruit of the Spirit
Study the Gifts of the Spirit
Learn about Jesus’ 12 disciples
Learn about the structure of the Bible
9-11 year olds will:
Learn the Gospel message using the Orange Curriculum
Memorize Bible verses
Memorize the books of the Old Testament
Memorize the books of the New Testament
Children and parents receive matching printed name tags and pick-up tags to ensure their safety in our environments. The child’s name tag identifies their age group, any allergies, and a security code that matches the parent pick-up tag. At the end of the service, each parent picking up a child must provide the pick-up tag to the door host. A member of the RNCC Kids team will ensure the security codes match on both the child’s name tag and parent pick-up tag.
All RNCC Kids volunteers receive a background check and do not serve alone.

We believe the best way we can help your kids develop a strong spiritual foundation is by partnering with you. Together, we can help encourage, train, and pray for them as they grow in their faith.
Here are some practical ways you can help us make the most of your child’s time spent at church:
- Practice the current Scripture memorization with your kids from their monthly Orange Lessons.
- Stay connected to RNCC Kids and RNCC Teens by following us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
- Sign Up for “Parent Cue”.
- Build relationships with other RNCC parents.
- Sign up to serve as a youth department volunteer on any Sunday or Wednesday.
- Pray for your children each week as they come to church, and pray for our teams as they serve and care for your kids.

Monthly e-newsletter
Parents can receive our monthly e-newsletter with information about what your children are learning in RNCC Kids, as well as parent resources to help foster faith-based conversations in the home. Sign up here.

Parent Cue App
You can also download the Parent Cue App to stay connected with our weekly lessons for your child(ren).
Watch this video to learn more.